Helpline: 1-800-686-2646 or text NAMI to 741741 1225 Dublin Road, Suite 210, Columbus OH 43215


Contact: Terry Russell,

Columbus, OH: The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Ohio (NAMI Ohio) thanks OhioHealth and their Advanced Practice Providers for their continued commitment to improving the lives of Ohio citizens impacted by mental illness.

This $20,000 donation from OhioHealth will help to support and expand NAMI services for individuals living with mental illness and their family members at 10 local NAMI Ohio affiliates.

According to NAMI Ohio Executive Director Terry Russell, “this donation will allow for the selected affiliates to expand their life saving services and provide support and education in their home communities.” Additionally, Russell states “NAMI Ohio is grateful to the OhioHealth Advanced Practice Providers for recognizing the work of NAMI affiliates and for their commitment to those that we serve.”

The 10 NAMI Ohio affiliates that were identified by OhioHealth to receive a portion of the funding are as follows:

  • NAMI Allen, Auglaize, and Hardin
  • NAMI Athens
  • NAMI Crawford and Marion
  • NAMI Delaware and Morrow
  • NAMI Fairfield
  • NAMI Franklin County
  • NAMI Logan/Champaign
  • NAMI Richland
  • NAMI Seneca, Sandusky & Wyandot
  • NAMI Southern Ohio


The National Alliance on Mental Illness of Ohio (NAMI Ohio) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families affected by mental illness. NAMI Ohio is comprised of families, persons diagnosed with mental illness, and advocates working together to ensure that Ohioans with mental illness and their loved ones receive the treatment and support they need. The mission of NAMI Ohio is to improve the quality of life, ensure dignity and respect for persons with serious mental illness, and to support their families.