Parent Advocacy Connection Informational Session RFA Opportunity
The Parent Advocacy Connection (PAC) Program is seeking organizations for SFY2023 (July 1,2022-June 30, 2023) to host PAC Parent Advocates and implement the PAC Program within an assigned region.
Please join us on May 3rd at 10:00 AM (ET) on Zoom to learn more about PAC, the purpose of the program, the goals of the program, and the funding opportunity. Please note that attendance (from someone at your organization) at the Informational Session is required to access applications.
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What is PAC?
Parent Advocacy Connection (PAC) is a grassroots organization of trained parent advocates who reflect the cultural and ethnic make-up of the families they serve. When children require services from multiple sources (i.e., mental health, schools, juvenile courts, developmental disabilities, and alcohol/drug addiction services agencies), it can be difficult for parents to navigate their way through these various service systems. Families may become overwhelmed and have difficulty expressing their concerns and the needs of their child(ren). Ohio’s service coordination process recognizes this challenge and has made support for families available through the Parent Advocacy Connection (PAC).
This program is overseen by NAMI Ohio and is funded by the Ohio Departments of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Job and Family Services/Ohio Family Children First, and the Ohio Department of Youth Services.