Helpline: 1-800-686-2646 or text NAMI to 741741 1225 Dublin Road, Suite 210, Columbus OH 43215


Your donation will change lives.


Donations Make a Difference

NAMI Ohio and our affiliates play an active role in providing support, education and advocacy to individuals receiving mental health services and their families throughout Ohio. For us to continue our mission, we need your support.

If you wish to make a donation by credit card or debit card, please click on the “Donate” button. The process is easy to follow and only takes a few minutes. Once you have entered your information, a confirmation page will appear for you to confirm your donation. You will receive an e-mail confirmation and reference number after you have made your contribution. All contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Your generosity and support will enable us to provide the services that are so critical to those with mental illness and their families.

As a result of your gift, NAMI Ohio can:

  • train police officers through our CIT training
  • educate family members through our Family-to-Family class
  • inform legislators about the value of mental health treatment
  • train jail and court personnel to better understand mental health
  • train parent partners to provide support to family members

One-time gifts are great, but even better, please consider a recurring monthly donation. Thank you!

Should you wish to make a contribution by check, please send it to:

NAMI Ohio: 1225 Dublin Rd., Suite 210 Columbus, Ohio 43215

Dani’s Place Mental Health Rehabilitation Center

Help support individuals and families dealing with serious and persistent mental illness and close a residential continuum of care service gap to improve and save lives.

A majority of individuals discharged from an impatient mental health hospitalization are not given any, or very little, community tranisitional supports. Oftentimes these indiviuals end up back in the hospital, in jail or prison, homeless or far too often loose their lives due to their illness and realted complications.

We CAN and MUST do better!

Mental health rehabilitation centers offer an innovative first step to providing the same opportunity afforded to others following a serious hospitalization. These facilities provide housing for up to 90 days following discharge and provide clients with a continued treatment and care program to help them succeed in the community. Dani’s Place will offer this crucially needed service in Northwest Ohio.

Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution

IRA owners age 70½ or older may make a direct transfer of part or all of their IRA distributions to an eligible charity such as NAMI Ohio.
Find out more by clicking here.


DOWNLOAD a Sample Request Letter for Qualified-Charitable Distribution from an IRA