Helpline: 1-800-686-2646 or text NAMI to 741741 1225 Dublin Road, Suite 210, Columbus OH 43215
2024 NAMI Ohio and Ohio Adult Care Facilities Association Housing Institute

2024 NAMI Ohio and Ohio Adult Care Facilities Association Housing Institute

Informational Session Announcement 

Thanks to the generous support of the Ohio Department of Development Housing Trust Fund, NAMI Ohio and the Ohio Adult Care Facilities Association is excited to announce its 2024 Housing Institute for the development of Residential Facilities Class 2 (aka Adult Care Facilities) in Ohio. This training series is designed for teams seeking to develop and navigate the complex process of securing funding to develop new Residential Facilities Class 2 for adults (age 18 and older) living with severe and persistent mental illnesses. 

Organizations interested in creating Residential Facilities Class 2 housing for the following priority populations are encouraged to apply: 

  • persons experiencing SPMI, 
  • persons who are identified as needing Residential Facilities by the local Mental Health and Addiction Services Boards or community mental health providers, 
  • persons at risk of long-term homelessness with behavioral health challenges exiting incarceration and/or trafficking and exploitation,  
  • And persons with behavioral health challenges leading to hospitalizations  

The Housing Institute will help teams build their knowledge base and understand the necessary funding and long-term commitments necessary to create quality Residential Facilities Class 2. The Institute offers comprehensive training and capacity building that helps non-profit organizations move from concept stage to competitive funding applications. This significantly reduces the lead-time for development and strengthens state and local experience and capacity to create future developments. This training is also expected to reduce the time it takes to obtain funding by improving the planning and development process and planning for sustainability. 

The 2024 Housing Institute will be held both in person in Columbus, Ohio and remotely (on alternating weeks). Teams will receive 50 hours of training, including individualized technical assistance and resources to assist in completing their project. In addition, experts from across the state, including staff from NAMI Ohio and local partners, will provide insight on management, best practices, financing, and building design. 

Eligible Teams 

Eligible teams should include a designated team leader, a housing development/owner partner, a service provider partner/a partner to oversee daily operations. The designated team leader may be the development/owner, or service partner. Developers must have experience with developing housing for specialized populations. Teams must have at least three members.  

The Housing Institute will require  

  • 50 hours of interactive training both in person (in Columbus, Ohio) and virtually 
  • Teamwork outside of the designated training dates and times.                                                
  •  Note: Teams should find time to meet in between sessions to work on milestones. Those dates and times are established by the teams and coordinated by the teams. 
  • Attendance at ALL training sessions 
  • Meeting milestones as a team 
  • Being prepared to present your final project to a funder’s panel 
  • Commitment to taking project concept from idea to completion with the goal of having a 12-16 bed Residential Facility Class 2 opened 
  • If funded, the ability to maintain project for 15 years after development 
  • A team member that will be the non-profit property owner 

Participation in the Institute is not a guarantee of funding from NAMI Ohio, OACFA or any other sources. 

To learn more about the 2024 Housing Institute, the commitment, requirements and to request an application you must attend one informational session. 


April 17,2024 at 1:30pm 


April 19,2024 at 11:00am 

FPS ProNet – Aug 30th

FPS ProNet – Aug 30th

NAMI Ohio FPS Professional Network:       


August 30th, 2024

*PLEASE NOTE* This is a 2-hour training, from 12pm-2 pm.  The entire training must be completed to receive credit


NAMI SMARTS for Advocacy:  Telling Your Story

Telling a compelling story that makes an “ask” in 90 seconds

Make your voice heard. Make a difference. Advocate.
(from the Latin word, “vocare”—to call, voice or speak)

Grassroots advocacy is about using your voice to influence policy makers and make a difference. Turn your passion and your lived experience into a positive voice for mental health with the NAMI Smarts for Advocacy training.


NAMI Smarts for Advocacy will enhance your advocacy skills and help you shape a powerful and personal story that will move policy makers.

The NAMI Smarts Difference NAMI Smarts for Advocacy gives you step-by-step tools and the hands-on practice you need to feel clear, confident and ready to make a difference.

(Please print the attached documents for use during training)

Presenters: Tamisha Alexander NAMI Ohio Program Coordinator
Tameika Wright, NAMI Ohio Family Peer Support Training Coordinator

Tameika Wright, NAMI Ohio FPS Coordinator is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NAMI Ohio FPS ProNet
Time: Aug 5, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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A Word from NAMI Ohio’s Executive Director:

A Word from NAMI Ohio’s Executive Director:

I hope everyone is off to a great 2024. Each New Year is an opportunity to evaluate, reassess, and commit our time and energy to the grow and make this world a better place. Being on the fiscal year calendar of July 1 – June 30, it is easier at NAMI Ohio to do this in June and July. But I still like to take this midyear time to evaluate our priorities to ensure we are serving the individuals and families we represent and staying focused on the mission. Our core work is education, support, and advocacy. We do this through our alliance of 38 Affiliates and ensuring local communities have the tools needed to help individuals with serious mental illness and their families. NAMI Ohio’s education and advocacy extends to individuals and families, to the local decision-makers, elected officials, and those leading and providing services to those we love in each community throughout Ohio.

My role is to ask the tough questions: are we educating and navigating people in crisis and answering their calls; are we supporting individuals by providing quality peer and family groups; are we reaching more young people and diverse people groups with educational programs; are we advocating for and helping to develop person-centered support services lacking in our local communities (housing, meaningful day services, and enhance care management for those most in need)? There are many days where I am acutely aware that if NAMI Ohio does not speak up, then it is likely the voice of those with lived experience will not be heard.

I say often we do not need another study, focus group, or environmental analysis; just ask those that call our office everyday what they need. This is what we hear:

  1. Housing – inpatient to independent living and everything in between is need for those with serious mental illness.
  2. Support and Education from those who have walked the path they are currently on. This is connecting with our local Affiliate lead education and support groups.
  3. Navigation and Care Management – someone to walk beside them even when it is not a crisis, and to routinely check on their loved one to ensure basic needs are being met. I like to call this enhanced case management services.
  4. Meaningful Day Services – a Clubhouse, a Peer Recovery Center, job and life training skills (a place where everyone knows your name). This is needed in every community.

This list are things each and every one of us needs to live a happy and healthy life. At NAMI Ohio we take over 250 calls to our Helpline each month, and routinely hear similar stories and struggles. It is our job to make these voice heard. The facts are clear and undisputable: too many individual with serious mental illness are homeless, in our County jails, or in Ohio’s prisons; too many families do not know where to turn in their greatest time of need; the people we hear from do not know if they have access to case management services; and the struggles and barriers that exist today have gone on for decades!

So, NAMI Ohio will continue to fight and purse a real person-centered mental health treatment AND support system that prioritizes those most in need and far too often neglected. I promise to focus the work at NAMI Ohio on implementation and action to address the needs addressed above. Lastly as an Affiliate Director recently shared with me, NAMI many times fills the gap with education and support to save individuals and families when they enter the system and await treatment and support, and then we are there with them through long haul.

I look forward to this work and hope you will continue your partnership with NAMI Ohio and our Affiliates.

Ohio Capital Journal –  White House takes a stab at lowering drug prices, but ignores a big piece of the puzzle

Ohio Capital Journal – White House takes a stab at lowering drug prices, but ignores a big piece of the puzzle


The Biden White House continues to promote its effort to lower prescription drug prices by going after “Big Pharma.” But while that industry is guilty of well-documented abuses, the effort so far mostly ignores another important part of the supply chain.

That would be drug middlemen known as pharmacy benefit managers. Each is part of a corporation that also owns a top-10 health insurer, and each corporation is one of the 15 largest in the United States.

The effort the White House is talking up is part of President Joe Biden’s landmark legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Amid sweeping policies aimed at incenting clean energy and going after wealthy tax cheats is a long-talked about attempt to slow the rising cost of prescription drugs: by using the huge purchasing power of Medicare to negotiate directly with drug manufacturers.

The administration started by capping the cost of insulin for Medicare recipients at $35, and by selecting 10 other drugs for which to negotiate prices. That list is expected to expand, and meanwhile, the White House last week kicked off negotiations by making initial offers for the original list of drugs.

“A new era in Medicare has begun with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services launching negotiations for better, fairer prescription drug prices,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a conference call with reporters. “… This effort is a direct result of President Biden’s commitment to lower drug costs for the American people.”

Superficially, it makes sense. If the cost of prescription drugs is high, the obvious culprits would seem to be the companies that make them.

The statements issued by the White House reinforce that notion.

“After decades of opposition, President Biden enacted a law that finally takes on Big Pharma and gives Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices,” a White House memo dated Feb. 1 says.

A Dec. 7 fact sheet goes even further, seeming to imply that drugmakers are solely responsible for inflating prescription costs.

“President Biden believes that health care should be a right, not a privilege,” it says. “For too long, corporate special interests and trickle-down economics have allowed Big Pharma to make record profits, while millions of Americans struggle to afford health care and prescription drugs to treat common and chronic conditions.“

However, that ignores another huge player in the drug supply chain.

The fact sheet noted that the 25 top drugmakers control about 70% of revenue in that sector. But it didn’t even mention pharmacy benefit managers, or PBMs. In that sector, just three companies — CVS Caremark, OptumRx and Express Scripts — control an estimated 80% of that marketplace, and they play at least as large a role in setting drug prices as the drugmakers themselves.

That’s because they represent insurance companies in drug transactions. Each is also part of a corporation that owns top-ten insurer: CVS/Aetna, Cigna/Express Scripts, UnitedHealth/OptumRx.

When the PBMs represent those and other insurers, they have great leverage negotiating with drugmakers.

Pharma companies abuse the system through stratagems such as “product hopping.” As the patent on one drug winds down companies sometimes make meaningless changes, extend the patent, and quash competition from generics.

But in their negotiations with drugmakers, the big PBMs wield an even bigger weapon — access to tens of millions of patients.

As insurers’ representatives, the PBMs control drug “formularies” — the lists of drugs that are covered by insurance and which get the most favorable treatment. In exchange for such treatment, drugmakers pay them huge rebates and give other discounts in a system that is far from transparent, so it’s hard to know how much PBMs are pocketing and how much they’re passing along to payors such as Medicare, Medicaid or private insurers.

It’s long been suspected that to pay for those discounts, manufacturers increase the “list price” of their products. That’s what you pay if you don’t have insurance. In addition, copayments and coinsurance are often based on list prices.

Research has shown a correlation between increasing rebates and list prices. In 2020, researchers at the University of Southern California’s Schaeffer Center found that a $1 increase in rebates on a drug was associated with a $1.17 increase in its list price. In other words, however quickly the rebates drugmakers give manufacturers grow, list prices grow even more quickly.

However, the Biden administration has said next to nothing about PBMs as it touts its efforts to lower drug costs. During last week’s conference call, a senior administration official didn’t seem to want to even talk about the industry.

“We are talking today about the implementation of a statute that gives (the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) the power for the first time ever to negotiate prescription drug prices, and that is what CMS is focused on and those are the announcements we are focused on today,” she said. “Those announcements don’t stand in isolation. The president has been focused on stimulating competition throughout the health care sector and we look forward to continued conversation about how to lower health care costs.”

The White House didn’t respond to a follow-up question asking whether it would require PBMs to give equitable formulary treatment to the drugs for which the government is negotiating with manufacturers.

However, pharmacy benefit managers are being scrutinized by another arm of the government. In 2022, Biden appointees to the Federal Trade Commission led the way in opening a major investigation into possible anticompetitive practices by the industry.

But the administration might have a financial incentive not to get too tough on PBMs. That’s because Medicare gets a portion of the rebates PBMs extract from drugmakers. In 2022, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that the federal government would net about $180 billion in such rebates over the course of a decade.

OACFA Newsletter

OACFA Newsletter

Download the latest newsletter from the Ohio Adult Care Facilities Association. This edition is jam-packed with lots of great information and updates, you don’t want to miss it!


Advocacy Alert! – We need your help!

Advocacy Alert! – We need your help!

NAMI Ohio Call to Action – Ohio House Budget a Disaster for Mental Health

Governor DeWine’s Budget made great strides in the funding of much needed mental health services.

It is our understanding that the amended House version of the Budget Bill for FY 24-25 (HB 33) will go to the House floor early next week for vote. Much of the progress made in the Governor’s budget was eliminated in the House Budget. The increase to Residential State Supplement (RSS), funding for prevention and criminal justice services, the increase to local ADAMH Boards, and the increase for behavioral health Medicaid rates were significantly reduced. In addition, the House has reduced the request of the Governor for the expansion of beds within our state hospital system.

It is vital that your State Representative hears from you today or tomorrow! We need the voice of individuals with mental illness, their family members and those that want a quality of life for all Ohioans to speak up.

Call or Email your member of the Ohio House of Representatives today!

  1. Click the RED button below
  2. Enter your address in the browser window and hit submit to find your representatives
  3. Click the name of your representative that pops up
  4. On your representative’s webpage —> click on contact to view the representative’s phone number
  5. You can also email your representative directly  by emailing

    rep(insert district number)


When you email or call your representative, the following are the key issues that need to be amended in the proposed HB 33

Key Issues with the ask in the amended House Budget Bill:

NAMI Ohio’s advocacy is to restore the mental health budget as introduced by Governor DeWine. Although all these key issues are important, NAMI Ohio’s number one priority is restoring the residential state supplement.

  • Return to the Governor’s budget allocation amounts for the Residential State Supplement line of $24,000,000 per year. The lack of housing is at crisis level and mental health group homes have not seen an increase in funding for over 7 years. We see increased demand for group homes as more and more homes close due to inadequate funding. Many of these individuals waiting to find supportive group homes end up homeless, in our criminal justice system or worse!
  • Return to the Governor’s budget allocation amount for the Prevention and Wellness line at $13,868,659 per year, and the Criminal Justice line at $30,044,829 per year. The proposed cuts will result in less housing, prevention, and criminal justice services for individuals throughout Ohio. Now is not the time to further limit access to critical services that support the well-being of individuals impacted by mental illness and substance use disorders.
  • Return to the Governor’s budget allocation amount of $106,214,846 each year that supports the local continuum of care. The proposed changes in the Sub-HB 33 decrease the total line item and increase the number of earmarks in the line item. This will effectively result in a cut to allocations to local ADAMH Boards. This line item represents the largest state general revenue investment in the local continuum of mental health services. This line item allows local ADAMH Boards to fund a range of critical and necessary crisis, treatment, and recovery support services for communities throughout Ohio. We ask that you restore this line item to the as-introduced amount.
  • Increase community behavioral health Medicaid rates by an additional 10%. The severe workforce shortage is resulting in increased pressure on community behavioral health services, increasing wait times, and impacting recruitment and retention of qualified individuals. This increased investment is necessary to stabilize and strengthen the behavioral health workforce.
  • Restore the funding of $32 million to expand state hospital bed capacity, ensure patient and hospital staff safety, and alleviate stress placed on adjacent systems such as jails and courts

The State Budget for FY 2022/2023 moved us forward, and the as-introduced Governor’s DeWine’s budget 2024/2025 took a leap forward to just catch up to the surge in demand for services and supports. THE AMENDED HOUSE BUDGET REVERSES THESE SMALL GAINS MADE OVER THE LAST SEVERAL YEARS AND ENSURES THAT A PERSON-CENTERED COMMUNITY SYSTEM CANNOT AND WILL NOT BE BUILT.

Never in the history of this country has there been more awareness of the need to fix a broken mental health system. We cannot allow this opportunity to be lost.


Thank you for your consideration of this request and thank you for the work you do on behalf of all Ohioans. If you have any questions about this letter or about community mental health services, please feel free to contact me.

As the House finalizes the budget bill and it moves to the Senate, we will be asking you again to make your voice heard with your Senators.

Please contact me with any comments or questions. The individuals NAMI Ohio loves, cares for, and represents need our advocacy.


Luke Russell, Executive Director