Helpline: 1-800-686-2646 or text NAMI to 741741 1225 Dublin Road, Suite 210, Columbus OH 43215


WE NEED YOUR HELP MORE THAN EVER! Over 6,000 Ohio citizens live in adult care facilities or group homes. Right now, these homes are in DESPERATE NEED to supplies to protect their residents from the threat of COVID-19. Many of the individuals living in these homes have...

COVID-19 Updates

March 25, 2020 COVID-19 Related Federal Legislation Update On March 6, President Trump signed into law H.R. 6074, Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act. This bill allocates $8.3B to be used for coronavirus preparedness and response,...


County Crisis Resources

If you are struggling with your mental health and need to talk to someone, please know resources are available. If you are currently connected to a mental health agency, you can call your therapist or case manager. Many of these organizations are doing tele-health...

Ohio Department of Health Stay at Home Order

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Ohio Department of Health Director Amy Acton, M.D. MPH, announced that Ohio will be under a "Stay at Home" order. The order will go into effect beginning Monday, March 23, 2020, at 11:59 p.m. and will remain in...


We Need Your Help!

Dear Friends, WE NEED YOUR HELP MORE THAN EVER! NAMI Ohio and the Ohio Adult Care Facilities Association are committed to doing everything we can to address concerns about the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) and prevent the spread of this illness. We are working to do...


COVID-19 AND UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION  Who is eligible? You may be eligible for unemployment compensation if you are an employee and: Are unable to work because your doctor, health agency, or employer requests that you isolate or quarantine due to COVID-19; or Your...

NAMI National FAQ Guide

NAMI National has released a guide to answer frequently asked questions regarding the intersection between Coronavirus, or COVID-19, and people affected by mental illness, their caregivers and loved ones. To download the guide click the following link COVID-19 Updated...

COVID-19 Resource Guide

The NAMI HelpLine is at the forefront of people with mental health conditions and their families and loved ones seeking help. NAMI National, with the assistance of Medical Officer Dr. Ken Duckworth, has put together an up-to-the-minute guide to COVID-19 frequently...


Get the facts on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Get the facts on Coronavirus (COVID-19) to help understand the issue. Find more mental health resources at A trusted source of information is imperative in times of uncertainty like this, and we urge you to visit

Ohio Suicide Prevention Plan

Read Ohio's first-ever collaborative suicide prevention plan: Suicide Prevention report FINAL Message from Governor DeWine: Dear Ohioans.  Suicide is devastating for those left behind, including family members, loved ones, friends, and communities. The suicide rate in...


Peer Led Art Program at NAMI Toledo

Art is more than something that hangs on a wall. In Toledo, art is helping people with mental illness get in touch with their feelings, communicate with others, and improve their self-esteem. The Creative Expressions program pioneered by NAMI of Greater Toledo is...

Elevating mental health on the world stage

Mental health and substance use disorders are the top cause of disability worldwide, but only a quarter of people who need mental health services get them. NIMH & other groups are spearheading many interventions to expand the reach of mental health care.  All too...

NAMI Wood County – Volunteer Program

When NAMI Wood County officials needed some help with their many activities, they asked local folks to chip in. And that’s just what they do once a month on Chip-In Day Jessica Schmitt, executive director of Wood County NAMI, said there are many students from Bowling...


Appalachian Mental Health & Housing Conference

The Appalachian Ohio Mental Health & Housing Conference event will bring together students, academics, care providers, community organizations and families affected by mental illness to discuss the unique and challenging needs of the mental health service systems...


Ohio Biennium Budget Approved

NAMI Ohio, the state's voice for mental illness, thanks the Governor and members of the Ohio House of Representatives and Senate for approving a biennium budget that will significantly impact both adults and children living with mental illness.  We are especially...


Provide Feedback to the Ohio Dept. of Medicaid

Dear Friends of NAMI Ohio, NAMI Ohio has been very involved with what has been called the “redesign of the mental health and addiction system" under managed care in Ohio. Recently, the Ohio Department of Medicaid developed a process to submit public input on the...


July is Minority Mental Health Month

WELCOME TO THE START OF MINORITY MENTAL HEALTH MONTH! One in 5—60 million Americans—are affected by mental health conditions each year. Mental health conditions do not discriminate based on race, color, gender or identity. Anyone can experience the challenges of...


Suicide Prevention in the Farming Community

Written by: Alan Johnson Many people think farming is a stress-free occupation – working outdoors, with fresh air and sunshine – but that’s often not the case. In fact, Ohioans working in agriculture are more prone to mental health issues and have higher suicide rates...


Why Care? May Mental Health Month Campaign

During the month of May NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is launching the WhyCare? awareness campaign for Mental Health Month. The campaign emphasizes how the “power of caring” can make a life-changing impact on the more than 40 million people in the...