Dear Friends of NAMI Ohio,
NAMI Ohio has been very involved with what has been called the “redesign of the mental health and addiction system” under managed care in Ohio.
Recently, the Ohio Department of Medicaid developed a process to submit public input on the redesign implementation in Ohio. I think it is fair to say that this implementation has been less than positive for those that we represent.
The plan document can be found at: Public Comment: HCBS Statewide Transition Plan.
Once on the webpage:
- Click on the link that says SUMMARY for a short overview of the plan
- Click on the link that says DETAIL to download a full copy of the report
Individuals may also contact the Ohio Department of Medicaid at (1-800-364-3153) to request a paper copy of the posting and associated documents.
The comment period will last until midnight on July 15, 2019.
Please review the plan and submit comments.
Comments MUST be submitted by midnight of July 15, 2019 using one of the following options:
- E-mail:
- Written comments sent to:
Attn: HCBS Statewide Transition Plan
Ohio Department of Medicaid
P.O. Box 182709, 5th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215 - FAX:(614) 752-7701 (please include Attn. HCBS Statewide Transition Plan in the subject line)
- Calling toll-free to leave a voicemail message at: 1 (800) 364-3153
- Courier or in-person submission to: Attn: BLTCSS, Lazarus Building, 50 W. Town St., Columbus OH 43215.
It is crucial that the Department of Medicaid receive comments from those living with mental illness, family members and caregivers, and individuals working with anyone who has been affected by mental illness.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact ODM at
Thank you!
Terry L. Russell
Executive Director