Helpline: 1-800-686-2646 or text NAMI to 741741 1225 Dublin Road, Suite 210, Columbus OH 43215

COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, presents a major challenge to the behavior health system to be able to provide optimal services to adults, children and families in the State of Ohio.  The purpose of this memorandum is to make sure you know some of the directions that many of the behavioral health providers are instituting because of this virus.

First they are committed to the primary mission of providing service during this time but they must also must be committed to make sure their workforce and the persons served are protected at all times.  So, some of the changes you may experience are:

  • Home visits – may be limited, unless major crisis
    • Should ask these questions to help determine if they can come to the home:
  1. Do you currently have symptoms of corona virus (cough, fever of 100.4®F or higher or shortness of breath )?
  2. Have you had direct personal contact with someone who is positive for the corona virus?
  3. Have you been tested for the coronavirus?
  • Office visits – a number of offices are not accepting walk in for appointments and many are trying to reschedule appointments or conducting telehealth appointments
  • Telehealth – will have your meeting with worker via electronically such as face time, skype, etc.
  • Trainings, conferences, and larger meetings are being cancelled, you should contact the provider agency via telephone to make sure of all cancellations

If the you or your family members have symptoms please stay home and contact the Ohio Department of Health at (614) 466-3543 or 833-427-5634) for further guidance, which may include a recommendation for a self-imposed isolation of 14 days.

COVID-19 Resources to parents during this time: